"My brain feels like busy chaos. It’s like multiple tvs playing at once, but also different music playing and repetitive film sound bites. "
Abigail - Bristol, UK
"It might look like a pogo stick, bouncing erratically from one place to another. Sometimes, it feels like I’m cruising along inside a tunnel, with hypnotic music everywhere. Other times, it feels like paddling a dinghy upstream with a handful of spaghetti."
Charlie - Bristol, UK
"My brain feels like a pinball machine with 100 balls. There’s a loud ding everytime each one hits a wall and they’re moving very fast. "
Siân - Staffordshire, UK
"Frozen in time and space. It's gone onto malfunction mode, the TV broke and the fuzzy lines are buzzing over the screen - it's hard to tell which programme we're meant to be watching. Buzzzzz buzzzz buzzzz aaaaarrrrrggghhhh."
Claudia - Bristol, UK
© CineHoarder, Youtube, 1995 Commercials Compilation
"My brain feels like a computer with 4GB of RAM, a huge hard drive and a filing system that can only access files if a similar piece of information is inputted. "
Anonymous - London, UK
"My brain feels like a three dimensional complex matrix of the whole universe which I experience all of the time all at once. Colours, sounds, feelings and thoughts are vivid and vibrant but there are so many connections it’s easy to get lost in there! I’ve always seen my brain function in a very visual way.
Thoughts, actions, learning and memories are never experienced in straight lines but in lateral exponential expanding explosions of neural connections which is why my brain gets tired so quickly from processing information or retrieving it. It means I can learn and know things with deep understanding without formal learning just by how many connections my brain makes with all information all the time. It also means I understand complex things with ease and see patterns that others miss. I have a powerful visual imagination and amazing hand eye connection which means I can pick up physical skills with exceptional ease and am most happy and at ease when my hands are busy and my mind active. But on a cognitive level it also means I can miss or struggle to retrieve basic information because my brain is so busy. To call that a ‘careless mistake’ is highly offensive and to hear that phrase in your formal assessment is so disabling and disappointing. "
Paula - Bristol, UK
"This question is to daunting to reply.
Don't have the energy to.
I'm tired."
Paulina - Bali, Indonesia
"Feels and looks like a tangled fog.
It feels like I can't grasp onto any emotions or feelings properly"
Ryan - Bristol, UK
"My brain looks like a slot machine, constantly whirring with random symbols.
My brain feels like a colander.
My brain sounds like 7 radios playing at once.
My brain feels like a magnet, attracting the wrong things.
My brain feels like a dopamine desert.
My brain feels like a creative jungle. Beware, very few ideas will get out alive.
My brain feels alone, and it doesn't understand why.
My brain feels unique in its aloneness.
My brain feels like a double edged sword.
My brain looks like it has superpowers, but it also has superweaknesses. "
Dominic - Bristol, UK
"My brain feels like space in firstly the way it’s so large and full of the unknown, full of potential but no way for me to slow down the ship to see what’s there, at the same time empty space and sometimes I really do just feel lost, on a mission but the only one that can see it, always craving more time, always rushing, never present. My brain looks wartorn but there’s something lucky about it. My brain sounds like multiple people fighting to talk at once."
Anya - London, UK
"My brain feels like a never ending rollercoaster. My brain looks like a tornado. My brain sounds like a crowded bar during happy hour."
Ash - Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
"A rollercoaster of chaos and stillness"
Anonymous - Long Island, NY, USA
"My brain feels like
A ball of yarn that’s vibrant, tangled, and endlessly textured. Each thread represents a thought, idea, or spark of creativity. Sometimes, the threads connect in unexpected ways, creating beautiful patterns, but other times, they knot and twist, making it hard to find the end. There’s an energy to it—constant motion, like fingers itching to knit something new before the current project is done.
My brain looks like
A kaleidoscope bursting with surrealist imagery—each shift reveals a new combination of colors, shapes, and ideas that never fully repeat. It’s like walking into a room filled with the Brooklyn Bridge archway: strings of lights glittering, ideas crossing like cobblestone paths, and arches framing boundless creative potential. There’s a sense of organized chaos, where beauty emerges from the mess.
My brain sounds like
An electric guitar solo, improvised and unrestrained. It shifts from soulful melodies to wild riffs, unpredictable but captivating. Layered over that are snippets of conversations, songs, and plans, like a radio flipping through stations. It’s noisy, sure, but there’s always a rhythm to it—a hum of productivity and potential, even in the chaos."
Leah - Manchester, UK
"A tangled ball of wool. I can only get to short bits that aren’t within the knot. I can’t unravel it. Just access whatever is at the front of the tangled ball of wool. If I try to pull it… it gets more knotted. So I just have to process the bits that I can get to."
Cordi - Manchester, UK
"My brain feels like chat gpt and Gemini being used by someone else. It is constantly just generating huge amounts of information."
Jimmy - Birmingham, UK
"I tell people to imagine a cross road, a wide cross road with 4 lanes of traffic each way but no system. So there are vehicles everywhere and there's music playing every other car. Some are broken down and causing issues, some are trying to ram others out there way. It's constant and it's chaotic.
(I also tell people that my brain when I'm medicated is the exact same volume of traffic and there's still music and beeping but there's a traffic light system in place and it's ordered)"
Kelly - Straffordshire, UK
"A never ending stream of consciousness. I am always thinking of 100 scenarios and possible outcomes. It’s all i know! I sometimes can’t believe people don’t spend as much time up there thinking."
Jon - New York, New York, USA